Monday, March 16. 2009 It was so nice today, sunny and in the high 50’s. It was the prefect day to go for a nice, little run. Except that I spent the entire day sacked out on my couch hoping that my upset stomach would go away. I have the stomach flu. Or food poisoning. Or maybe that nasty creature from the movie Aliens decided that I was a good incubation pod. All I do know is that, I spent a good portion of last night laying on my bathroom floor (note to self: clean the floor) because I felt too shitty to get up and get into my bad. Today I have eaten crackers, Gatorade and soup which probably amounts to a total of 600 calories. If I wasn’t feeling so crappy, I’d be excited for the little shove toward my weight loss goal. So, my first run of the week was a bust. I was going to make up today’s run tomorrow, but then Josh told me I should just take it easy and drop the run. I’m thinking more and more that that’s the best plan so tomorrow will be an off day then I’ll pick back up on Wednesday. Tomorrow I’ll do my ass-kicking Hard-Body Yoga DVD. It’s an hour of sheer torture for every muscle in my body, but so effective! After doing it for about a month, I’ve added 1/2” of muscle to each of my biceps. Pretty sweet! Wednesday, March 4. 2009
After spending yesterday afternoon with the cold sweats and barfing, I finally conquered the food poisoning demon that invaded my body. I only ate three things for lunch - pineapple, cottage cheese and an apple - so one of them was the culprit. I threw them all away, just to be on the safe side. Bye-bye $10.
Anyway, I recovered enough by dinner time to prepare Josh's birthday cake (Happy Birthday Joshie!). He requested a yellow cake with chocolate frosting. I had this big elaborate plan to make everything from scratch, but had to resort to a box mix and frosting out of a can because I still wasn't feeling healthy enough to put forth the effort into all that rigmarole.
Thanks Betty Crocker!
![]() Chocolate Raspberry Cake ![]() Chocolate Raspberry Cake Tuesday, March 3. 2009 ![]() I has it |
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